Children's Ministry
Children's Ministry
this Month
Sunday Mornings during
10:00am Worship
(Maria Navarette, Gail Ansheles, Destiny Munoz)
Children's Ministry Chair Karen Wilbanks
As the new year begins, we welcome Destiny Muñoz (Maria Navarette’s daughter) to the United staff as Children’s Ministry Assistant. Destiny has assisted her mother over the last two years and will now be an “official” member of the staff. An Honors graduate of Capitol High and fluent in both Spanish and English, Destiny enjoys working with kids, has lots of great ideas, and is studying nursing at Santa Fe Community College. Take time to welcome her
Happenings in Children's Ministry
Lights, Camels, Action! Epiphany Readers’ Theater for All Ages Sunday, Jan. 5
If your child or youth – or you yourself—can baa like a sheep, bray like a donkey, or act like an angel (okay, 2 out of 3 is fine :-), then plan to be a part of United’s Epiphany Reader’s Theater on Sunday, Jan. 5. Come at 9:00 for a brief rehearsal and then help share the story with the rest of the congregation in the 10:00 worship service. All welcome! Let Karen Wilbanks or Talitha Arnold know you can join in.