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Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry
this Month

Sunday Mornings during
10:00am Worship

(Maria Navarette, Gail Ansheles, Destiny Munoz)
Children's Ministry Chair Karen Wilbanks

Celebrate! Celebrate!

Children’s advocate and friend Fred Rogers said that his mother told him that when bad things happened or the world seemed scary, “look for the helpers.” This month United’s kids celebrate lots of different helpers of all different backgrounds, times, doing all kinds of things. They also learn how they can be helpers, too!

Feb. 2
Celebrating Prayer: "Learning to Pray for Others"

(The Lord's Prayer and Prayer Bracelet

Feb. 9
Celebrating First Responders:"Giving Thanks for Others"

(Decorating cookies for our firefighters

Feb. 16 & 23
Celebrating Women of the Bible:

(They helped in amazing ways

Happenings in Children's Ministry

Super Bowl Family Night
Friday, Feb. 21 - 5:30pm

All United families, individuals, couples, adults, kids, youth are invited to join in the Souper Bowl Family Night. Bring a family-sized can or cans of soup for the Food Depot. United provides soup, bread, and dessert— and special activities (maybe even a “Soup Slurping” contest) (just kidding). Sign up at church or by email:

Love God, Neighbor, and Creation!

Epiphany Puppet Pageant

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